“O Shot” – Enhance Your Satisfaction

Enjoy your intimate moments! The O Shot is a life-changing procedure that increases sensitivity for women.

More Intense, Faster, Multiple

The O Shot creates more robust sensations during intercourse that result in orgasms that are easier to achieve, more intense and repeatable.

We Love Our Clients!

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O Shot Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The O Shot?

ANSWER: The O Shot increases sensitivity through the injection of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). Growth factors in the PRP rejuvenate the tissue and increase the volume in areas of female sensitivity.

How Long Does It Take The O Shot To Work?

ANSWER: Expect to feel different within a few days after the procedure, however it may take as long as a month for full effect. In some cases it may take up to 3 months for full effect.

How Long Does The O Shot Last?

ANSWER: Between nine and eighteen months is usually how long the effects of the O Shot last. Some women chose to have booster shots after their initial treatment.

How Much Does The O Shot Cost?

ANSWER: The O Shot is $1,200. Be sure to subscribe to Spa 35 Med Spa emails to get the latest promotions for the O Shot.

*Results vary. The outstanding experiences referenced by Spa 35 customers in their five star reviews of Spa 35 are the opinion of the customer and may not be representative of the results or experience you will receive at Spa 35 Med Spa.